Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Mia Rose

Just around that time I was addicted/fascinated towards/about youtube. And happened to watch MiaaRose video. I liked it in first go. Time was somewhere in Feb 07. And after couple of week, I again tempted to see if there is any related video of her being published or not. I was surprised to see that her Heaven video was being most favourite and wached on youtube.

Almost a year passed, I didn't follow much about her. Not that I forgot about her but apperantly didn't happened. Just recently I came across her video again. Now her video is being posted my many of her followers-fans.

But now it really shows the kind of platform youtube has given her and many such aspirants. Just with couple of music instruments, a camera given this nice voice and beatiful face a chance to release her own album, 3-4 sites of her won, huge fan following.

Great going !!
Kudos to youtube for this proposition given to new-bees and even more for following the ethics of the game to possible extent. It has restricted sensitive contents across board. It i s good to see that hentai followers are not flooding it.

Really it has brought a transformation phase in internet era and still a lot to be exploded. It is very easy for any common user to have his video on web and sharing it with others, see how easy - friends go for bowling, shoot their excitments, upload it to youtube and they can watch whenever they want share with anybody. And it have become possible just because of Youtube and Adobe.

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