Today is the second day of my Soft-Skills-Development Training ... and I was knowing that it is going to be late ... wondering why I am unable to manage to reach in time despite of the fact that I wake up so early in the morning.
Ok ok that apart ... this day I was more curious about the today's session as last time he conducted in vivid way and keep up our expectations ... when I reached there ... ppl were yet to join and I was just 4-5th to arrive @ training place. Then I called that I haven't completed my home-work still I didn't cared about it. I decided to see whatever happens. Well the trainer was looks to be cool as he was on Previous session and he asked everybody to point out some of the "IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT" things that you think to do but you somehow unable to do. Some of participants were seems not to get it out openly.So there were some TP answers. I told about the Court Matter ([A misshop I will not not be able to narrate it in words] ......... in which I am an eye-witness and need to file an application in court in favour of Maharashtra Police)which is an important but not urgent task which I was not able to do till date. So upon hearing my quotes everyone was amazed to know what exactly might have happened with me. But I remained cool and just focused on what is important but not urgent. As training session time passed ... we were forced actively into the games which really seems to make sense tobuild the soft-skills. One of them is the ear-to-hear-pass communication and the outcome of the game was shocking. Till date I used to hear about the ---'How things are mis-intepreted when they flow through the heirachical channels?' Well it was a simple statement which I had to tell to the first participant's ear (as good as whispering .. but to let him understand but others should not be able to hear it). --- the statement was 'I really don't care what happens now and then, untill you are my friend in the end' And in the same way the statement was conveyed through 12 participant and the resulting statement was so wiered, so funny ... something like 'I will mine it as you are at the end' So funny naa? It has shown such a great exercise to all of us as it meant that we were unable to 'LISTEN' and unable to 'CONVEY' as what is at inout and output. We can do appropriate filtering once it's urs ...extract out of the exercise. Lastly the trainer asked us to put down the number of the cubicales that we can use to build a structure consisting only one cube at base and condition is :== Wrong hand, Eyes closed and one cube at a time. Everybody put down some numbers around and less than 6-7-8. And then trainer asked few selected out of us (I was not within them) to build the structure physically. These teams were able to build upto level 4-5. Then the trainer asked one chap to be volunteer and do the same things and the only thing that he was saying to that chap is I fully trust on you. I know that you can do it and you are doing good. Do you believe me ? Surprisingly that chap was able to build two such structues and of height 11 cubes. That'z the power of believe : believe in yourself and believe in others. It has changed views of all of us.. I can say such a training/attitude development is required for the Mangerial level chaps. And it will be really helpful.
But the message I could pick up at the first go out of the training is 'If you want to be successful in somethingonly key to success is -- start that thing'. Then the councellor gave us his contact number but I was knowing that I am not going to call him up :: as I am the one who will decide my further path and the consequences of that. Neways those whoever had taken his number are not going to call him up. So why to take load?
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