Thursday, September 07, 2006


One intelligent mind, one jovial mind and O(n) were having unwind walk, while looking for some leisure stuff.

Intelligent mind quotes, "This O(n) has got good GK"
Jovial mind upholds Intelligent's statement.

With confusion O(n) asks "What is GK ?"

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Google Spreadsheets

Have you taken a look at It is making the ppl to get rid of the proprietary MS Excel ... though not wholely but someday they will. I am waiting for thier Operating System to get available.. yes they are planning to build OS along with their current development of Google File Server. And if you are freelance developer and looking for some corporate level sponsership, google is there for you. It has established a NGO or an organization to help to NGO such that they will be funding for such causes. is its link.